Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Need Your Picture and Details!

Dear fellow friends, 

As part of ChemE's Outing 2010 and as per requested by the Registrar Department, we need your cute and cool SELF picture 

You can pose all the way you want but please make sure that your face can be seen and the picture is clear. 

Along with this, we've emailed you the picture and data layout to fill in. For other majors, I hope the PICs had already informed this to you. Meanwhile, for Process friends you can check your inbox or google group now. 

Send to us your full or half body picture (we might crop it) and your personal details straight to the PIC's email not later than Saturday, 8/5/2010. 

We appreciate if you could add some remarks (if any) in the remarks column for us to consider. Guys, in case if you're going back home this weekend, please make sure that you send the file to the respective PICs first okay?

Please rename your file as: MAJOR_YOUR NAME

For any enquiry regarding this matter, don't hesitate to contact your PICs!



kula said...

kalau x cute macam mane?

Farahiyah Jasmi said...

ele amar padahal da hantar. haha~